More info after the jump.
The Remote XL+ comes with integrated Wii Motion Plus, as well as an external sync button to make synchronising remotes that bit easier, and a built in battery which can be charged via usb cable.Via MyWii
To go with this is the Wireless Motion XL, which is basically a wireless Nunchuck. Being wireless it is obviously battery operated, but with the same charging capabilities as the Remote XL + and an off/on switch, the Nunchuck should have no problems pleasing everyone.
'We are pleased to offer innovative accessories that go Electronic Theatre Imagebeyond the usual offerings to our customers. The XL+ series was just the logical consequence of the market developments in recent months and the buyer will receive innovative and practical accessories from one source, without buying several gadgets.' Mike Steup, managing director of Sunflex Europe told us about the range of controls.
The premium controllers should be available around November 15, the prices for the controls are as follows:
• Remote XL+ - Around $94 AUD
• Wireless Motion XL - Around $56 AUD